It's All About 5

About This Episode
It's All About 5! - This is PIVXPods first and only episode 5. To celebrate, we explore the amazing privacy features of the version 5 wallet, code named "(it's secret...)" which is scheduled to be released this quarter.
Your hosts also explore the significance of 5 and PalmTree shares lots of podcast stats and announces the first ever guest on PIVXPods.
Congratulations to our newest PIVX Ambassadors - @Adonis (France) and @Jumperbillijumper (Germany).
Convert your zPivs today, zPiv conversion will be completely removed in the new 5.0 wallet! If you need assistance, jump into the Discord support chat and ask for help.
For more fun, here's a few links:
If you enjoyed this episode, consider sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or your favorite social platform. Chat with your hosts on Discord, just look for @PalmTree, @Rhubarbarian, or @Jeffrey
Start your journey with PIVX at and find your UPF!